Monday, February 14, 2011

In our next meeting, after watching the UNCG basketball game, we were able to use what we learned to play some ourselves. This was an introduction to sports we had not experienced back in our countries. A special thanks to our new friend Dr. Tom Martinek for allowing us to use the UNCG sports research facilities.


  1. I found my heart was full of joyful images when i saw our elegant photos in our newly published website.In accordance to my attitude,it acts as bridge to establish new goals,develop a new sense of purposeand generate new ideas about our own enthusiastic skils.It really enable we type of younker guys to unlock our desire for setting good potentiality in the field of game and other scope oreinted fields.Myself accompanied,being a effective type of a member woluld like to add my a handful of thanks to frankie,Anthony and all for being lending their constructive guidelines to us.I shall always remain indebted with them for their great cost of blood and sweat through which we started to frame our sport team.I like to play with your directive thought to move further.I hope to catch yours' vision drawing opinion which can be a steeping stone to determine our sucess.(Khem Khatiwada)

  2. Woderful Gentlemen. I Believe,One day We accomplishment Our Desire to sight for an audience about,Emotionally How We tried to succeed On!Sucessful Quote "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it." It mean Never guess, we always Failture, Oneday Our dream Comma'n on Infornt of us to success our achievement Freedomly.
    I really Love This Youth Creative Team.May God bless our Desire.
    Never Lose your Graciously Team...
